CO2 injection into geological formations triggers complex physical and chemical interactions at different time and length scales, which are critical to the evaluation of subsurface capacities, operational risks, and storage safety. Reservoir simulation is the central technology to analyze potential risks during the injection-period and to evaluate the long-term safety.
Some of the future CO2-storage projects are likely to inject over million tons CO2 per year to underground geological formations. The importance of de-risking the technology with the help of modern reservoir simulations thus becomes more pronounced. CO2 storage simulation provides a comprehensive tool to integrate information for de-risking injection and storage.
The project will advance the simulation technology for geological CO2 storage and build a state-of-the-art simulator that can be used for evaluating both the injection and the post-injection periods and hereby helping an early decision on the implementation of CO2 storage and accelerating its implementation. The project will develop a CO2 storage simulation analysis that will be equipped with improved reliability and efficiency, suitable for risk evaluation of a larger variety of storage sites.
Expected Results
- Develop a compositional simulator with multiphase geochemical reactions that is more robust and efficient than the existing CO2 storage simulators.
- Couple the simulator with the post-injection simulator GEOS in collaboration that compositional and geochemical effects are accounted for in the post-injection analysis.
- Improve the technical risk assessment during injection and the long-term safety evaluation by using more accurate reactive transport description.