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10 NOV

Researchers get easier access to chemical substances

A new library of chemical substances at DTU gives researchers easier access to chemical substances involved in life sciences research.

DTU Chemistry - Cover on 'Catalysts'
07 NOV

Bridging leads to front page article

A fruitful collaboration bridging DTU Chemistry and DTU Chemical Engineering and combining theory and experiments has resulted in a front page article in an important...

Photo: Torben Nielsen
10 OCT

22 new H.C. Ørsted fellows

DTU recently welcomed 22 highly talented researchers who have been granted a H.C. Ørsted COFUND fellowship. The 22 researchers come from all over the world and will spend...

DTU Kemi - Poster fra DTU Kemi bedst blandt 900
21 SEP

Poster from DTU Chemistry best of 900

A poster by postdoc Søren Kramer won the “Chemistry – A European Journal Poster Prize”.

DTU Chemistry - Novel Skin-friendly Polymers
02 SEP

Novel Skin-friendly Polymers

Topical film formers for sunscreens and adhesives for attachment of ostomy bags are examples of polymers designed for contact with the human skin. Such products may be...

DTU Chemistry - Hans EM Christensen - Solving an Intricate Life Science Riddle
20 AUG

Solving an intricate Life Science Riddle

When Associate Professor Hans E.M. Christensen, Associate Professor Pernille Harris and PhD student Trine Vendelboe from DTU Chemistry with colleagues from the University...

Kira Astakhova, new associate professor at DTU Chemistry. Photo: Anne Frejberg
18 JUL

Young researchers to strengthen DTU Chemistry

The Department has decided to strengthen its position significantly within both organic and inorganic chemistry. This means that six talented young researchers have been...

DTU Chemistry - Søren Kegnæs
28 JUN

Designing Catalysts for the Future

Pioneering the field of highly selective heterogeneous nanoparticle catalysts Associate Professor Søren Kegnæs from Centre for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry at DTU...

Chemistry Catalysis
DTU Chemistry - NMR Center DTU
26 JUN

The magnetic Field at NMR Center • DTU attracts Researchers

Magnetic fields are attractive. That is old news. But only a special magnetic field can attract international researchers and companies. Such a magnetic field has been...

DTU Chemistry - Breakthrough i Physical Chemistry
12 JUN

Breakthrough in physical chemistry

Scientists from DTU Chemistry have discovered a new method of transforming enantiomers in a racemic mixture so that all enantiomers will end up as the desired kind.

DTU Kemi - Young Investigators
15 MAY

Young Investigators lead new Research Groups

Significant grants from the Villum Young Investigators Programme allow two highly talented researchers to build strong groups at DTU Chemistry.

Photo: Colourbox
10 MAY

Tropical plant combats parasites in chickens

With an extract from a tropical plant, DTU researchers have found a way to combat parasites in chickens.

Food production Production animals Livestock diseases
DTU Kemi - Sonia Coriani
04 MAY

The Italian Professor

DTU Chemistry’s last appointed professor is Sonia Coriani.  She is a professor in physical chemistry and has a strong background in quantum chemistry, i.e. the use of...

Photo: Bjørn Lymann
23 JAN

Five young researchers can step up their research

Five DTU researchers under the age of 40 receive a total of almost DKK 46 million (EUR 6,2 million) from VILLUM FONDEN and can now speed up their research careers.

Chemistry Cyber security Physics Mathematics
Photo: Anne Frejberg
16 JAN

Tomorrow's sunscreen lasts longer and is sweat-proof

Researchers from DTU Chemistry, Coloplast, and Riemann have joined forces to develop new materials that are to make products such as sunscreen and stoma bags adhere better...

DTU Chemistry - NMR Inauguration 2016 - foto: Anne Frejberg
16 DEC

The NMR Center DTU is official inaugurated

Building 212, which now houses DTU’s new centre for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), is now officially open! The inauguration attracted researchers, students, collaborators...

Photo: Joachim Rode
12 DEC

DTU's NMR Centre to open

The official opening of Building 212, which now houses DTU’s new centre for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), will be held on 13 December.

DTU Chemistry - Molecular Movies of Photocatalysis
28 NOV

DTU Researchers Make Molecular Movies of Photocatalysis About to Happen

Using sophisticated X-ray equipment and highly advanced computational chemistry methods, DTU researchers have shown that it is possible to record ‘molecular movies’ of...

Chemistry Catalysis Lasers Physics
Photo: Vibeke Hempler
05 SEP

18 new H. C. Ørsted postdocs

DTU recently welcomed 18 highly talented researchers who have been granted a H.C. Ørsted COFUND postdoc fellowship. The 18 researchers come from all over the world and...

DTU Chemistry - Spectroscopic investigations  of copper substituted zeolites for catalysis
21 JUL

Spectroscopic investigations of copper substituted zeolites for catalysis

Copper substituted zeolites are considered prime candidates as catalysts for reducing NOx emissions from exhaust fumes. Until recently, the mechanism by which they work...

Catalysis Chemistry Environmental technology
DTU Chemistry - bioplastic
13 JUL

Waste product becomes bio-plastic

Glycerol is a low-value byproduct from bio-diesel production. A new process patented by DTU Chemistry can convert glycerol into the monomer allyl alcohol which can be polymerized...

Chemistry Organic chemistry
Photo: Glycom
12 JUL

Multi-million investment in DTU spin-out

Scion DTU is home to a company that is well on its way to becoming one of the biggest Danish biotech success stories ever. 

Chemistry Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development
DTU Chemistry - Nano Chemistry
06 JUN

Novel Plasmonic Microfibers with anti-oxidation functionality

New findings from DTU Chemistry on photoresponsive microfibers have just been published in Advanced Materials.

03 JUN

A new story about gold and sulfur

Together with a group of researchers in Australia and China, the NanoChemistry group at DTU Chemistry have brought our knowledge about the intriguing properties of gold...

DTU Kemi - Når kemi møder biologi
24 MAY

Chemical Biology is evolving

Senior Research Scientist, Katrine Qvortrup from DTU Chemistry writes about her research in chemical biology in an article on the Carlsberg Foundation website. Chemical...

DTU Chemistry - NanoChemistry
15 APR

New nanoparticles results published

Single-nanoparticle resolved enzyme-mimicking electrochemical catalysis.

DTU Chemistry
08 APR

Finally Unveiled: Structure of Enzyme that Converts Dopamine to Norepinephrine

After decades of research, scientists from DTU Chemistry have identified the first structure of the enzyme that controls conversion between two of our body’s most important...

Photo: Joachim Rode
25 JAN

The biggest fume cupboard in Denmark

DTU’s new chemistry laboratories in Building 211 constitute a technically advanced ‘machine’.

DTU Chemistry - PIPPI
11 JAN

Essential Knowledge of Proteins to Guide Pharmaceutical Industry

Knowledge of the properties of proteins right down to atomic level is essential for making it easier and faster for the pharmaceutical industry to manufacture protein-based...

FOKUS: Fysisk kemi – Indledende fysisk kemi for biovidenskaberne - fotos: Anne Frejberg
02 DEC

Physical Chemistry - Physical Chemistry for biological sciences

Associate Professor Günther Peters from DTU Chemistry has turned Introductory Physical Chemistry for biological sciences upside down. For several years, the average grades...

Photo: Novozymes
23 SEP

Knowledge of proteins to guide pharmaceutical industry

Knowledge of the properties of proteins right down to atomic level is essential for making it easier and faster for the pharmaceutical industry to manufacture protein...

Health technology Biotechnology Cyber security
DTU Chemistry - New Paths towards combatting Alzheimer's Disease
03 SEP

New Paths towards combatting Alzheimer's Disease

Coupling clinical data with bio-chemical analysis has allowed DTU Chemistry to reveal molecular mechanisms behind the neuro-degenerative disorder. The implications to the...

DTU Chemistry - Important Drug Discovery Tool
10 JUL

Important Drug Discovery Tool

As alkaloids are known to exert a wide variety of pharmacological effects, they have long been of great interest for numerous drug discovery projects. In a modern variation...

Chemistry Organic chemistry
Illustration: Harris Fristrup
25 JUN

DTU Chemistry researchers mimic nature's building blocks in unique way

Chemists from DTU are finding new ways to combine atoms and molecules to create 3D structures that are stable and thus behave as the chemists would like them to. The...

DTU Chemistry - Molecular Movies
19 JUN

A Ticket to the (Molecular) Movies

Beam time is in high demand at the exclusive international facilities able to “film” on the femtosecond scale which applies to chemical reactions. A successful DTU modeling...

Chemistry Analytic and theoretical chemistry
DTU Chemistry - Nanochemistry
19 MAY

When Atoms mine for Gold

Novel nanochemistry techniques control the stereochemistry of selfassembled monolayers (SAMs) of small molecules. This is good news for basic research in the field, and...

Inorganic chemistry Chemistry
DTU Chemistry
06 MAY

X-rays Aid Production of Industrial Enzymes

Analysis of an enzyme produced by Novozymes in largescale as a detergent ingredient, confirms that X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) is highly relevant for protein-producing...

Chemistry Enzymes and proteins
DTU Kemi - Annual Report 2014
22 APR

New Annual Report from DTU Chemistry

It's here - The Annual Report from the Department of Chemistry, where excellent research and exciting highlights from 2014 and the visions for 2015 are summarized.

DTU Chemistry - A new Catalyst for an Ancient Bulk Chemical
21 APR

A New Catalyst for an Ancient Bulk Chemical

Zeolite recrystallization allows synthesis of extremely efficient gold nanoparticle catalysts. This could revive one of the oldest processes in chemical industry, namely...

Chemistry Catalysis
DTU Chemistry - Mat Chem A
18 MAR

New findings on 3D graphene nanomaterials

Associate Professor Qijin Chi and postdoc Ramendra S. Dey from the NanoChemistry Group at DTU Chemistry have worked out a cost-effective way to assemble 3D graphene nanomaterials...

DTU Kemi - CSC in Angewandte Chemie
03 MAR

New results in ChemSusChem from CSC

Associate Professor Anders Riisager, Senior Researcher Saravana Shunmugavel  and PhD Mayra Melian-Rodriguez from DTU Chemistry have just published an article on excellent...

Bioenergy Fossil fuels
DTU Kemi - Chemical Physics - Femto11
10 DEC

Chemical Physics: The Femto11 Conference at DTU

Chemical Physics - Special issue: The Femto11 Conference at DTU

Chemistry Analytic and theoretical chemistry Physics
DTU Chemistry LEADS the way
15 JUL

DTU Chemistry LEADs The Way

DTU Chemistry is one of 30 partners in The European Lead Factory, a novel pan European consortium and platform for innovative drug discovery based on crowd sourcing. The...

Physics Biotechnology
DTU Chemistry - Single-molecule Coordination Chemistry
26 JUN

Single-molecule Coordination Chemistry

For the first time, the coordinative bonding forces in a transition metal complex have been investigated at the single-molecule level. The observations should add new insight...

Physics Micro and nanotechnology
DTU Chemistry - New Center is Raising the Bar
29 APR

New Center is Raising the Bar

Audacity to go after the most intriguing scientific problems and the willingness to engage in original thought without losing sight of the stakeholders needs will be...

Physics Analytic and theoretical chemistry Organic chemistry
DTU Chemistry - The Terahertz Dance
22 APR

The Terahertz Dance

Shedding light on macroscopic systems one molecule at a time is the mission for DTU Chemistry’s Assistant Professor René Wugt Larsen. With the prestigious Sapere Aude Grant...

MIND - Metallo-proteins in Neurological disorders
08 APR

MIND the Gap

'The basic research in the understanding of structure-function relationship of metalloproteins might be highly relevant for the discovering of new drugs that might change...

Physics Analytic and theoretical chemistry Inorganic chemistry
Illustration: Kresten Vestbjerg Andersen
03 FEB

DKK 16 million for new NMR facilities at DTU

The VILLUM FOUNDATION has just granted DKK 16 million for next-generation NMR research at DTU - a project including investments in NMR equipment for studies of organic...

Physics Organic chemistry Micro and nanotechnology
DTU Kemi - Omdannelse af biomasse
16 JAN

New, inexpensive biomass conversion method

In today's world, we are dependent on oil, but scarce natural resources require us to find new resources to produce fuel, materials and medicine. However, Associate Professor...

Physics Organic chemistry Energy technology Climate change

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