The Carlsberg Foundation’s Distinguished Postdoc Fellowship goes to Yong Xiao under the supervision of Jingdong Zhang and Hans Erik Mølager Christensen. The grant will be used on research of In situ Nanoscale Investigation of Microbial Extra-cellular Electron Transfer.
• Katrine Qvortrup has received 350.000 kr. for her project aiming at developing novel Antibody-Drug Conjugates designed as a targeted therapy for the treatment of cancer. The project
will be conducted in collaboration with Professor David Spring, Cambridge University.
• Jonas Rosager Henriksen has received 150.000 kr for the project Gold-liposomal nanoparticle synthesis investigated using UVvis and fluorescence spectroscopy.
DTU Chemistry is furthermore co-financing 1/3 of the project. The grant will be used to purchase a NanoDrop 2000C UVvis Spectrophometer and a NanoDrop 3300 Fluorescens spektrophotometer.