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16 channel WDM regeneration in a single phase-sensitive amplifier through optical Fourier transformation

Guan, Pengyu ; Da Ros, Francesco ; Lillieholm, Mads ; Hu, Hao ; Røge, Kasper Meldgaard ; Galili, Michael ; Morioka, Toshio ; Oxenløwe, Leif Katsuo
part of: Proceedings of 42nd European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communications, 2016
Presented at:
42nd European Conference on Optical Communication

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2016


16-QAM Field-Quadrature Decomposition using Polarization-Assisted Phase Sensitive Amplification

Kjøller, Niels-Kristian ; Piels, Molly ; Da Ros, Francesco ; Dalgaard, Kjeld ; Galili, Michael ; Oxenløwe, Leif Katsuo
part of: Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Photonics Conference, 2016
Presented at:
2016 IEEE Photonics Conference

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2016


2030 trends and ambition

den Elzen, Michel G.J. ; Höhne, Niklas ; Rogelj, Joeri ; Fransen, Taryn ; Roelfsema, Mark ; Sterl, Sebastian
Report name: 2030 trends and ambition, pages: 10-22

Type: Report chapter (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2016


225m Outdoor W-Band Radio-over-Fiber Link Using an Optical SFP+ Module

Rommel, Simon ; Rodríguez Páez, Juan Sebastián ; Chorchos, Łukasz ; Grakhova, Elizaveta P. ; Sultanov, Albert Kh. ; Turkiewicz, Jarosław P. ; Vegas Olmos, Juan José ; Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso
part of: Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition 2016, 2016
Presented at:
2016 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2016     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/OFC.2016.Th2A.16


260 Gbit/s photonic-wireless link in the THz band

Pang, X. ; Jia, S. ; Ozolins, O. ; Yu, X. ; Hu, Hao ; Marcon, L. ; Guan, Pengyu ; Da Ros, Francesco ; Popov, S. ; Jacobsen, G. ; Galili, Michael ; Morioka, Toshio ; Zibar, Darko ; Oxenløwe, Leif Katsuo
part of: Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Photonics Conference, 2016
Presented at:
2016 IEEE Photonics Conference

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2016


2D and 3D pyrolytic carbon microelectrodes for electrochemistry

Hemanth, Suhith ; Caviglia, Claudia ; Keller, Stephan Sylvest
Presented at:
16th International Conference on Electroanalysis

Type: Conference abstract for conference (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2016


2D materials as protective coatings

Stoot, Adam Carsten ; Camilli, Luca ; Yu, Feng ; Spiegelhauer, Susie Ann ; Bøggild, Peter
Presented at:
Sustain-ATV Conference 2016

Type: Conference abstract for conference (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2016


2D vs. 1D Structures at Stepped Si Surfaces and in Organic Molecules

Himpsel, Franz (Invited author) ; García Lastra, Juan Maria ; Rubio, Á. (Invited author) ; Boukahil, Idris (Invited author) ; Qiao, R. (Invited author) ; Erwin, S.C. (Invited author) ; Barke, I. (Invited author)
Presented at:
Pacific Rim Symposium on Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces 2016

Type: Conference abstract for conference (Peer reviewed)     |     Invited contribution

Status: Published     |    År: 2016


30 years of geophysical data - one groundwater model structure

Vilhelmsen, T. N. ; Christiansen, A. V. ; Foged, Nikolaj ; Marker, Pernille Aabye ; Auken, Esben
part of: 10th annual meeting of DWF16, pages: 35-35, 2016
Presented at:
10th Annual DWF Jubilee Meeting

Type: Conference abstract in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2016


30 years of squeezed light generation

Andersen, Ulrik Lund ; Gehring, Tobias ; Marquardt, Christoph ; Leuchs, Gerd
in: Physica Scripta, vol: 91, issue: 5

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2016     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/0031-8949/91/5/053001