• 15 October 2021
    I’m extremely happy to welcome Luna Zamok & Frederik Kjeldal Ørsted as the group's inaugural PhD students. Both will be working on parts of my Villum Young Investigator project.

  • 23 August 2021
    Pleased to have been invited to present my recent work on decomposed mean-field quantum chemistry at this year's annual meeting of the Danish Chemical Society.


  • 27 April 2021
    I've got a new paper, “Decomposed Mean-Field Simulations of Local Properties in Condensed Phases” by Eriksen, on arXiv today (arXiv: 2104.12480). In the letter, I've used my recent theory for decomposing Kohn-Sham DFT simulations [Eriksen, J. Chem. Phys. 153, 214109 (2020)] to separate out local solvation properties (monomer ground-state energies and dipole moments) within liquid, ambient water.
