A new research project aims to mitigate CO2 storage risks

Monday 22 May 23


Wei Yan
Associate Professor
DTU Chemistry
+45 45 25 23 79

A new research project aims to develop modeling tools that can significantly reduce the injection risks for CO2 storage in different types of underground reservoirs. The Innovation Fund is investing 9 million Danish kroner in the project.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology plays a crucial role in Denmark's ability to achieve its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent in 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

A new research project, led by DTU Chemistry and several industrial partners, aims to accelerate the implementation of CO2 storage in Denmark. Through modeling tools, the project will generate reliable analyses of injection risks arising from impurities in CO2 and the complex interactions between injected CO2 and the existing fluids in the reservoirs.

The project builds upon more than 20 years of knowledge about CO2-rich mixtures and advanced modeling skills accumulated by a research group at DTU Chemistry.

“CO2 storage is vital for reducing emissions, but the complex interactions between CO2, impurities, and in-situ fluids pose significant uncertainties for CO2 storage. We will integrate critical data and advanced models to develop simulation tools that effectively mitigate risks and expedite the implementation of CO2 storage in Denmark,” says Wei Yan, Associate Professor at DTU Chemistry.

Currently, no commercial software can satisfactorily analyze these risks with an accurate description of the effects of impurities. Therefore, the project will measure crucial data for Danish storage sites and develop high-accuracy models. Emphasis will be especially placed on integrating the models into simulation analysis.

DTU Chemistry, with over 20 years of research in CO2 capture and storage, is a leading authority in phase behavior and thermodynamic analysis. In this project, the university has teamed up with five industrial partners - Totalenergies, Noreco, Gas Storage Denmark, INEOS, Wintershall Dea – all of whom are actively conducting or investigating CO2 storage in different types of onshore and offshore reservoirs in Denmark. INEOS and Wintershall Dea just started the first offshore CO2 injection in Denmark. The industrial partners will bring valuable industrial data, experience, and insight to the project. Together, the partners will ensure that the developed methods and tools help de-risk the implementation of CO2 storage in Denmark. The ability to handle various complex phase behaviors also enables the potential utilization of different types of reservoirs for storage.




Wei Yan, Associate Professor, DTU Chemistry

Phone: +45 25 23 79, email: weya@kemi.dtu.dk


Line Skouboe, Communications Advisor, Innovation Fund Denmark

Phone: +61 90 50 39, email: line.skouboe@innofond.dk



Innovation Fund Denmark's investment: DKK 9.0 million

Total budget: DKK 13.2 million

Duration: 4 years

Official title: CO2plus - Phase behavior of CO2+X in CO2 storage

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