The Elastyren Prize is awarded to a researcher who has excelled through innovation and significant results in the field of chemical research and the development of synthetic or biological polymers for medical use. This year, Professor Esben Thormann from DTU Chemistry has been chosen by the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences to receive the award.
The chairman of the prize committee, Niels Christian Nielsen, presented the prize on Tuesday afternoon:
"Both candidates are internationally recognized polymer researchers who have impressive research production and have built up strong research groups within their respective research areas. Esben Thormann primarily researches in the development and characterization of polymers with a focus on so-called stimulus-responsive polymers and their interaction with various types of materials, often in close collaboration with industrial partners (..) ”
The award includes DKK 50,000 per. recipient, which is given as a personal recognition. The other recipient of the award is Associate Professor Brigitte Städler from the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) at Aarhus University.
The ATV│Elastyren Prize is awarded every year for the purpose of motivating and supporting Danish chemical research.
Candidates for the award must have excelled by contributing to innovation and through significant results in the field of chemical research into and development of synthetic or biological polymers for medical use.
The prizee is DKK 100,000 (DKK 50,000 per recipient) and is given as a personal recognition.
It was established at the request of the deceased member of the Academy of Technical Sciences, civil engineer Torbjørn Grenness.