Title: "Characterization of protein-protein interaction of single domain proteins in solution"
by Christin Pohl
The defence will also be broadcasted on Zoom.
Sign up via e-mail to Rasmus Aniol (rawan@kemi.dtu.dk) no later than 26 August.
Principal Supervisor:
Professor Pernille Harris, Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
Senior Scientist Allan Nørgaard, NovoZymes A/S, Denmark
Professor Günther H.J. Peters, DTU Chemistry
Professor Jens Øllgaard Duus, DTU Chemistry
Senior Research Scientist Minna Grønning Jensen, Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark
Professor Sara Linse, Lund University, Sweden
Associate Professor Charlotte Held Gotfredsen, DTU Chemistry
A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department.