PhD Defence by Natalia Skawinska

Title: "Allosteric regulation of human tryptophan hydroxylase isoform 2 (hTPH2)"
by Natalia Skawinska

Principal Supervisor:
Professor Günther H.J. Peters, DTU Chemistry

Professor Pernille Harris, Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen

Professor Jens Preben Morth, DTU Bioengineering
Associate Professor Thomas J. D. Jørgensen, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Senior Technical Officer Dr. Melissa Ann Graewert, BIO SAXS | EMBL Hamburg, Germany

Associate Professor Sebastian Meier, DTU Chemistry
A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department.


Wed 09 Sep 20
13:00 - 15:30


Technical University of Denmark
Building 208, Aud. 52

The defence will also be broadcasted on Zoom
Sign up via e-mail to Inge Holkmann Olsen ( no later than 8 September