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100 Gb/s single VCSEL data transmission link

Rodes Lopez, Roberto ; Estaran Tolosa, Jose Manuel ; Li, Bomin ; Muller, M. ; Jensen, Jesper Bevensee ; Gruendl, T. ; Ortsiefer, M. ; Neumeyr, C. ; Rosskopf, J. ; Larsen, Knud J. ; Amann, M.-C. ; Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso
part of: OFC/NFOEC Postdeadline Papers, pages: PDP5D.I0, 2012
Presented at:
2012 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012


1.01-Pb/s (12 SDM/222 WDM/456 Gb/s) Crosstalk-managed Transmission with 91.4-b/s/Hz Aggregate Spectral Efficiency

Takara, H. ; Sano, A. ; Kobayashi, T. ; Kubota, H. ; Kawakami, H. ; Matsuura, A. ; Miyamoto, Y. ; Abe, Y. ; Ono, H. ; Shikama, K. ; Goto, Y. ; Tsujikawa, K. ; Sasaki, Y. ; Ishida, I. ; Takenaga, K. ; Matsuo, K. ; Saitoh, K. ; Koshiba, M. ; Morioka, Toshio
part of: ECOC Technical Digest, pages: Th.3.C.1, 2012
Presented at:
38th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012


10 Gb/s Real-Time All-VCSEL Low Complexity Coherent scheme for PONs

Rodes Lopez, Roberto ; Cheng, Ning ; Jensen, Jesper Bevensee ; Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso
part of: OFC/NFOEC Technical Digest, 2012
Presented at:
2012 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012


160 Gbit/s optical packet switching using a silicon chip

Hu, Hao ; Ji, Hua ; Galili, Michael ; Pu, Minhao ; Yvind, Kresten ; Jeppesen, Palle ; Oxenløwe, Leif Katsuo
part of: 2012 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pages: 915-916, 2012
Presented at:
IEEE Photonics Conference 2012 (IPC)

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/IPCon.2012.6359293


160 Gb/s Silicon All-Optical Data Modulator based on Cross Phase Modulation

Hu, Hao ; Pu, Minhao ; Ji, Hua ; Galili, Michael ; Mulvad, Hans Christian Hansen ; Yvind, Kresten ; Hvam, Jørn Märcher ; Jeppesen, Palle ; Oxenløwe, Leif Katsuo
part of: OFC/NFOEC Technical Digest, pages: OM2E.2, 2012
Presented at:
2012 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/ofc.2012.om2e.2


[18F]FLT PET for non-invasive assessment of tumor sensitivity to chemotherapy: studies with experimental chemotherapy TP202377 in human cancer xenografts in mice

Munk Jensen, Mette ; Erichsen, Kamille Dumong ; Björkling, Fredrik ; Madsen, Jacob ; Jensen, Peter Buhl ; Sehested, Maxwell ; Højgaard, Liselotte ; Kjær, Andreas
in: P L o S One, vol: 7, issue: 11, pages: e50618

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/ journal.pone.0050618


1-D constitutive model for evolution of stress-induced R-phase and localized Lüders-like stress-induced martensitic transformation of super-elastic NiTi wires.

Chan, C.W. ; Chan, Siu Hung Joshua ; Man, H.C. ; Ji, Pi
in: International Journal of Plasticity, vol: 32-33, pages: 85-105

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijplas.2011.12.003


1st DeepWind 5 MW Baseline design

Schmidt Paulsen, Uwe ; Vita, Luca ; Aagaard Madsen , Helge ; Hattel, Jesper Henri ; Ritchie, Ewen ; Leban, Krisztina M. ; Berthelsen, Petter A. ; Carstensen, Stefan
in: Energy Procedia, vol: 24, pages: 27-35
Presented at:
9th Deep Sea Offshore Wind R&D Seminar

Type: Conference article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2012.06.083


20/30 GHz dual-band circularly polarized reflectarray antenna based on the concentric dual split-loop element

Smith, Thomas Gunst ; Vesterdal Larsen, Niels ; Vesterager Gothelf, Ulrich ; Kim, Oleksiy S. ; Breinbjerg, Olav
part of: Proceedings of 34th ESA Antenna Workshop, 2012
Presented at:
34th ESA Antenna Workshop and 2nd Evolutions in Satellite Telecommunication Ground Segments Workshop on Satcom User Terminal Antennas

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012


2nd Generation Biofuel Production from Selected Agricultural Waste Resources in Ghana

Thomsen, Sune Tjalfe ; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye
part of: Advanced Biofuels in a Biorefinery Approach, pages: 71-71, 2013
Presented at:
Advanced Biofuels in a Biorefinery Approach

Type: Conference abstract in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012


2x2 MIMO-OFDM Gigabit fiber-wireless access system based on polarization division multiplexed WDM-PON

Deng, Lei ; Pang, Xiaodan ; Zhao, Ying ; Binti Othman, Maisara ; Jensen, Jesper Bevensee ; Zibar, Darko ; Yu, Xianbin ; Liu, Deming ; Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso
in: Optics Express, vol: 20, issue: 4, pages: 4369-4375

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.20.004369


38.2-Gb/s Optical-Wireless Transmission in 75-110 GHz Based on Electrical OFDM with Optical Comb Expansion

Deng, Lei ; Pang, Xiaodan ; Beltrán, Marta ; Zhang, Xu ; Arlunno, Valeria ; Zhao, Ying ; Yu, Xianbin ; Llorente, Roberto ; Liu, Deming ; Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso
part of: OFC/NFOEC Technical Digest, 2012
Presented at:
2012 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference

Type: Conference abstract in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012


3D anatase TiO2 hollow microspheres assembled with high-energy {001} facets for lithium-ion batteries

Yu, Yanlong ; Wang, Xiaoliang ; Sun, Hongyu ; Ahmad, Mashkoor
in: R S C Advances, vol: 2, issue: 20, pages: 7901-7905

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/c2ra20718d


3D Characterization of Recrystallization Boundaries

Zhang, Yubin ; Godfrey, Andrew William ; MacDonald, A. Nicole ; Juul Jensen, Dorte
part of: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on 3D Materials Science, pages: 31-36, 2017
Presented at:
1st International Conference on 3D Materials Science

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48762-5_5


3D mechanical measurements with an atomic force microscope on 1D structures.

Kallesøe, Christian ; Larsen, Martin Benjamin Barbour Spanget ; Bøggild, Peter ; Mølhave, Kristian
in: Review of Scientific Instruments, vol: 83, issue: 2, pages: 023704-01 - 023704-07

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3681784


3D shape measurement using deterministic phase retrieval and a partially developed speckle field

Almoro, Percival F. ; Waller, Laura ; Agour, Mostafa ; Falldorf, Claas ; Pedrini, Giancarlo ; Osten, Wolfgang ; Hanson, Steen Grüner
in: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol: 8384, pages: 83840Q
Presented at:
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 2012

Type: Conference article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.919223


3XL: An Efficient DBMS-Based Triple-Store

Liu, Xiufeng ; Thomsen, Christian ; Bach Pedersen, Torben
part of: 23rd International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), 2012, pages: 284 - 288, 2012
Presented at:
23rd International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012


40 Gbit/s serial data signal regeneration using self-phase modulation in a silicon nanowire

Ji, Hua ; Wang, Ju ; Hu, Hao ; Galili, Michael ; Pu, Minhao ; Yvind, Kresten ; Jeppesen, Palle ; Oxenløwe, Leif Katsuo
part of: 2012 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), pages: 832-833, 2012
Presented at:
IEEE Photonics Conference 2012 (IPC)

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/IPCon.2012.6359252


41.6 Gb/s RZ-DPSK to NRZ-DPSK Format Conversion in a Microring Resonator

Xiong, Meng ; Ozolins, Oskars ; Ding, Yunhong ; Huang, Bo ; An, Yi ; Ou, Haiyan ; Peucheret, Christophe ; Zhang, Xinliang
part of: Proceedings of the 17th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, pages: 891-892 , 2012
Presented at:
The 17th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2012

Type: Article in proceedings (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/OECC.2012.6276682


41 GHz and 10.6 GHz low threshold and low noise InAs/InP quantum dash two-section mode-locked lasers in L band

Dontabactouny, M. ; Piron, R. ; Klaime, K. ; Chevalier, N. ; Tavernier, K. ; Loualiche, S. ; Le Corre, A. ; Larsson, David ; Rosenberg, C. ; Semenova, Elizaveta ; Yvind, Kresten
in: Journal of Applied Physics, vol: 111, issue: 2, pages: -

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3677976


42.13 gbit/s 16qam-OFDM photonics-wireless transmission in 75-110 GHz band

Deng, Lei ; Liu, D. M. ; Pang, Xiaodan ; Zhang, Xu ; Arlunno, Valeria ; Zhao, Ying ; Caballero Jambrina, Antonio ; Dogadaev, Anton Konstantinovich ; Yu, Xianbin ; Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso ; Beltrán, M. ; Llorente, R.
in: Electromagnetic Waves (Progress in electromagnetics research), vol: 126, pages: 449-461

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.2528/PIER12013006


4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid concentration and additional carbon source determine the measured centimetre-scale vertical variability of mineralization potential around the groundwater table

Pazarbasi, Meric Batioglu ; Sørensen, Sebastian R. ; Aamand, Jens
Presented at:
14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology

Type: Poster (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012


4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy-acetic acid (MCPA) concentration and nutrient amendment impact the centimetre-scale vertical variability of mineralization potential around the groundwater table

Pazarbasi, Meric Batioglu ; Sørensen, Sebastian R. ; Aamand, Jens
Presented at:

Type: Conference abstract for conference (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012


500 nm Continuous Wave Tunable SingleFrequency MidIR Light Source for C–H Spectroscopy

Høgstedt, Lasse ; Jensen, Ole Bjarlin ; Dam, Jeppe Seidelin ; Pedersen, Christian ; Tidemand-Lichtenberg, Peter
in: Laser Physics, vol: 22, issue: 11, pages: 1676–1681

Type: Journal article (Peer reviewed)

Status: Published     |    År: 2012     |    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1054660X12110047