
34. G.N. Papatheodorou and R.W. Berg:"Laser-Induced Fluorescence of High Tem­pera­ture Vapor Complexes of ErCl3 with AlCl3, GaCl3 and InC13, Chem. Phys. Letters 75 (1980) 483-487.


33. R.W. Berg and G.N. Papatheodorou: "Vapor Complexes of Erbium (III) Chloride with Aluminium(III), Gallium(III) and Indium(III)Chlorides", Inorg. Chim. Ac­ta 45, (1980) L211-L212.


32. G.N.Papatheodorou and R.W. Berg:"Thermodynamics and Spectra of High Temperature Vapour Complexes of Erbium(III) Chloride", Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Thermodynamics, Merseburg, DDR, Aug. 1980.


31. K. Nielsen and R.W. Berg:"A Redetermination of the Crystal Structure of Tetra­methyl­ammonium Hexachlorostannate(IV) at 160 K and 295 K in the Fd3c Space Group", Acta Chem. Scand. A34, (1980) 153-4.


30. R.W. Berg, N.J. Bjerrum, G.N. Papatheodorou and S. von Winbush: "Resonan­ce Raman Spectra of S3- in Molten Salts", Inorg. Nucl. Chem. Letters 16 (1980) 201-204.


29. R.W. Berg, S. von Winbush and N.J. Bjerrum: "Negative Oxida­tion States of the Chalcogenes in Molten Salts.1. Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Aluminum Chlorosulfides Formed in Chloride and Chloroaluminate Melts and Some Related Solid and Dissolved Compounds", Inorg. Chem. 19 (1980) 2688-2698.


28. G.A.Mackenzie, R.W. Berg and G.S. Pawley: "The Structure of Deu­tera­ted Tetra­methyl­ammonium Hexachloroplatinate Investi­gated by Neutron Powder Diffrac­tion", Acta Crystallogr. B36 (1980) 1000-1006.  


27. G.N. Papatheodorou, N.J. Bjerrum, R.W. Berg and R. Fehrmann:"Raman Scat­tering from Amourphos Carbon Electrodes in NaCl-A1C13 Eutectic-Selenium Tetra­chloride Mixtures". Argonne National Laboratory, Report ANL-CENT-7455, p. 6-7 (1979).


26. R.W. Berg and K. Nielsen: "On the Fm3m or Fd3c Symmetry of Tetramethy­lammo­nium Hexahalogenometallate(IV) and Related Compounds", Proc. 5th European Cryst. Meet. Abstract 76-PL-5a, Lyngby 1979. p. 96.


25. S.L. Chodos and R.W. Berg: "Low Temperature Vibrational Spec­tra, Lattice Dyna­mics and Phase Transitions in Some Potassium Hexahalometallates(IV): K2XY6, with X = Sn or Te and Y = Cl or Br", J. Chem. Phys. 70, (1979) 4864-71.


24. R.W. Berg:"Low Temperature Vibrational Spectroscopy.III. Structural Aspects and Detection of Phase Transitions in Cry­stalline Alkali Metal and Tetramethyl­ammonium Hexabromo-tel­lurates and -Platinates", J. Chem. Phys. 71, (1979) 2531-40.


23. R.W. Berg:"Low Temperature Raman Spectral Evidence of Phase Transitions in Crystalline Tetramethylammonium Hexachloro­metallates(IV)", Proc. 6th Int. Raman Conf., Bangalore, India 1978, Heyden Publ. Co., London. p. 382-83.


22. R.W. Berg and K. Nielsen: " The Crystal Structure of Tetra­methylammonium Hexa­bromotellurate(IV)", Acta Chem. Scand. A33, 157-160 (1979).


21. R.W. Berg and S. Skaarup: "Low Temperature Far I.R. Spectra of (CH3)4N NiCl3, (CH3)4N NiBr3 and (CD3)4N NiBr3", J. Phys. Chem. Solids 39, 1193-96 (1978).


20. S. Skaarup and R.W. Berg: "Structural Properties and Vibra­tional Spectra of the Ethylenediammonium Family of Perovskite Layer-type Crystals: (NH3CH2CH2NH3) (MCl4), M = Ni,Pd,Cu,Cd,Mn", J. Solid State Chem. 26, 59-67 (1978).


19. R.W. Berg: "Low Temperature Vibrational Spectroscopy.II. Evidence for Order-Disorder Phase Transitions Due to Weak C-H...Cl Hydrogen Bonding in Tetramethylammonium Hexachloroplatinate(IV), -tellurate(IV), and -stannate(IV) and the Related Perdeutera­ted Compounds", J. Chem. Phys. 69, 1325-35 (1978).


18. R.W. Berg and I. Søtofte: "Crystal Structure of Tetramethyl­ammonium Hexa-chloroplatinate(IV)", Acta Chem. Scand. A32, 241-44 (1978).


17. F.W. Poulsen and R.W. Berg: "Addition Compounds of Sulphur, Selenium or Tellurium Tetrachloride with Niobium or Tantalum Pentachloride. Conduc­tometric and Raman Spec-troscopic Study in the Molten and Solid State", J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 40, 471-76 (1978).


16. R.W. Berg: "The Vibrational Spectrum of the Normal and Per­deuterated Tetra­methyl­ammonium Ion", Spectrochim. Acta 34A, 655-59 (1978).


15. R.W. Berg: "Neutrondiffraktionsstudie af krystalstrukturen af (ND4)2 [PdCl4] ved 125 K og 295 K". 14. Danske Krystallografmøde, 23. Maj 1977, Proceedings p.4-6, H.C. Ørsted Institutet, Københavns Universitet.


14. R.W. Berg, F.W. Poulsen and N.J. Bjerrum: "Low Temperature Vibrational Spec­troscopy. I. Hexa­chloro­tellurates", J. Chem. Phys. 66, 1829-37 (1977).


13. F. Krebs Larsen and R.W. Berg: "A Neutron Diffraction Study of the Crystal Struc­ture of Deuterated Ammonium Tetra­chloro­palladate(II) at Low and Ambi­ent Temperature", Acta Chem. Scand. A31, 375-78 (1977).


12. R.W. Berg and I. Søtofte: "Crystal Structure of Ethylenediam­monium Tetra-chloro­pal­ladate(II)", Acta Chem. Scand. A30, 843-44 (1976).


11. R.W. Berg: "Far Infrared and Raman Spectra of Some Crystal­line Iodomer­curate Complexes", Spectrosc. Lett. 9, 715-729 (1976).


10. R.W. Berg: "Raman Spectra of Crystalline Iodomercurate Complexes", Proc. 5th Int. Raman Conf., H.F. Schulz Verlag, Freiburg 1976, p. 124-125.


9. R.W. Berg: "Crystal Data and Polarized Infrared Transmission Spectra of Ethyle­nedi­ammonium Tetrachloropalladate(II), with Comparison of Powder and Single Crystal Results", Spectro­chim. Acta 32A, 1747-57 (1976).


8. D.M. Adams and R.W. Berg: "Low-temperature Far-infrared Spec­tra of some Tetrachloropalladate(II) and Tetrachloroplati­nate(II) salts", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1976, 52-58 (1976).


7. R.W. Berg: "Polarized Infrared and Raman Spectra of Small Single Crystals of Dichloro(ethylenediamine)Palladium(II)", Spectrochim. Acta 31A, 1409-19 (1975).


6. R.W. Berg & Kj. Rasmussen: "Infrared and Far Infrared Spectra of Bis(ethyle­nedi-a­mi­ne)Nickel(II) Tri- and Tetraiodomercu­rate(II)", Spectrochim. Acta 30A, 1881-87 (1973).


5. R.W. Berg & Kj. Rasmussen: "Infrared and Far Infrared Spectra of Dihalo(et­hy­le­nedia­mine) Palladium(II) and Platinum(II)", Spectrochim. Acta 29A, 319-327 (1973).


4. R.W. Berg & Kj. Rasmussen: Infrared and Far Infrared Spectra of Bis(ethyle­nedia­mi­ne) Palladium(II) and Platinum(II) Tetra­halometallates(II), Spectrochim.Acta 29A, 37-46 (1973).


3. R.W. Berg & Kj. Rasmussen:"Vibrational Spectra of Bis(ethyl­enediamine)Palla­dium(II)- and Platinum(II) Halides and Their Deuterium Isotopomers", Spec­trochim. Acta 28A, 2319-30 (1972).


2. R.W. Berg & Kj. Rasmussen:"Infrared Spectra of Tris(ethyl­enediamine)Co­balt(III) Complex Ion in Solid State and Dis­solved in Light and Heavy Water", Spectrosc. Lett. 5, 349-355 (1972).


1. R.W.Berg & Kj. Rasmussen:"Vibrational Spectra of Ethylene­diamine Salts", Spec­trosc. Lett. 4, 285-293 (1971).