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The new carbon capture method uses a so-called ionic liquid bound in a solid material, as shown in the picture. The material acts as a sponge that can absorb CO2.
12 OCT

DTU researchers are testing new carbon capture method

Carbon capture today is mainly based on chemicals in liquid form. Now, researchers are testing carbon capture in a solid material.  

Chemistry Catalysis Energy technology Energy systems
DTU Chemistry - Søren Kegnæs
28 JUN

Designing Catalysts for the Future

Pioneering the field of highly selective heterogeneous nanoparticle catalysts Associate Professor Søren Kegnæs from Centre for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry at DTU...

Chemistry Catalysis
DTU Chemistry - Molecular Movies of Photocatalysis
28 NOV

DTU Researchers Make Molecular Movies of Photocatalysis About to Happen

Using sophisticated X-ray equipment and highly advanced computational chemistry methods, DTU researchers have shown that it is possible to record ‘molecular movies’ of...

Chemistry Catalysis Lasers Physics
DTU Chemistry - Spectroscopic investigations  of copper substituted zeolites for catalysis
21 JUL

Spectroscopic investigations of copper substituted zeolites for catalysis

Copper substituted zeolites are considered prime candidates as catalysts for reducing NOx emissions from exhaust fumes. Until recently, the mechanism by which they work...

Catalysis Chemistry Environmental technology
DTU Chemistry - A new Catalyst for an Ancient Bulk Chemical
21 APR

A New Catalyst for an Ancient Bulk Chemical

Zeolite recrystallization allows synthesis of extremely efficient gold nanoparticle catalysts. This could revive one of the oldest processes in chemical industry, namely...

Chemistry Catalysis

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