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12 JAN

DTU enters wide-ranging CCUS partnership

DTU is joining forces with 18 stakeholders to implement a roadmap for carbon capture, utilization, and storage.

Energy efficiency Energy storage Energy production Energy systems CO2 separation and CO2 storage Climate adaptation
The new carbon capture method uses a so-called ionic liquid bound in a solid material, as shown in the picture. The material acts as a sponge that can absorb CO2.
12 OCT

DTU researchers are testing new carbon capture method

Carbon capture today is mainly based on chemicals in liquid form. Now, researchers are testing carbon capture in a solid material.  

Chemistry Catalysis Energy technology Energy systems
22 FEB

DTU researchers capture motion of molecules in flight

Researchers from DTU have developed a new method which can accurately observe the structural dynamics of molecular systems that otherwise vibrate randomly. The method gives...

Analytic and theoretical chemistry Energy efficiency Energy storage Energy systems Lasers

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27 JULY 2024