MSc Defence

Anna Marie Thiel Pedersen

”Characterisation of membrane-diffusion properties by analysis of ionic species and molecular species”

Anna Marie Thiel Pedersen gives an oral presentation of 30 minutes with the essence of her project with regard to the aim of the project, results and conclusions followed by a discussion with censor and supervisors.
The preliminary review of the project is decided on the basis of the evaluation of the report at the initial meeting of censor and supervisor. The final grading will be decided upon after the oral presentation.

Jens E.T. Andersen (DTU Chemistry)
Claus Helix Nielsen (DTU Miljø)
Karen Gerstand (Aquaporin A/S)
Hans Aage Hjuler (Danish Power Systems)


tir 30 sep 14
10:00 - 10:30


DTU Kemi



The Technical University of Denmark
Building 206, room 222